HIST 549. Graduate Readings, 1-3 cr. Individual study of selected readings and problems. (The content of the readings determines whether this may count as a public history or a traditional history course.) Prerequisite: consent of instructor. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits.
HIST 579. Oral History, 3 cr. Oral history through readings, discussion, and interviews. Course project required that includes an interview and transcription.
HIST 580. Graduate Studies, 3 cr. Intensive investigation of a selected area of history, including the completion of a research paper. (The content of the investigation determines whether this may count as a public history or a traditional history course.) Prerequisite: the approval of the department graduate advisor and the instructor.
HIST 581. Time Traveling Through New Mexico’s Past, 3 cr. Instructs historians and educators on how to make history come alive through first-person interpretation. Semester project includes role playing characters and activities from a past era with local schools and museums.
HIST 583. Advanced Historic Preservation, 3 cr. Covers American architectural history, the historic preservation movement, and the basics of the federal preservation program, including the National Register of Historic Places. Includes field trips, a field project, and the preparation of a National Register nomination.
HIST 584. Advanced Historical Editing: Theory and Practice, 3 cr. Readings and projects in historical editing at the NMSU Archives. Includes editing papers and helping to produce a scholarly journal.
HIST 585. Public History Internship, 3 cr. Individual project in an area of public history, including a final written report. Research project required. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. May be repeated for a maximum of 9 credits.
HIST 586. Interpreting Historic Places for the Public, 3 cr. Advanced study of historic site interpretation, the scholarship and philosophy of historic interpretation, and the nature of heritage interpretation for historic places.
HIST 587. Public History Seminar, 3 cr. Introduction to the discipline of public history, including its methodology and literature. Field work is required. (This course is required for the common core.)
HIST 589. Special Research Programs, 1-6 cr. Individual investigations either experimental or analytical. (The content of the investigation determines whether this may count as a public history or a traditional history course.) May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits. Graded S/U.
Note: Students in the Public History Program may take up to 6 cr. in programs outside the history department for their public history courses, with the approval of the Director of the Public History Program.
ANTH 518. Advanced Historical Archaeology, 3 cr. Advanced methods and theoretical concepts regarding the archaeology of historical periods.
ANTH 540. Cultural Resource Management, 3 cr. Survey of the legal foundation of cultural resource management and the role of archaeologists in land use and project planning.
ANTH 545. Advanced Museology I, 3 cr. Museum philosophy, history, administration, and collection management. Emphasis on collecting, cataloging, care, and exhibition, as well as ethics, public responsibility, and grantsmanship.
ANTH 547. Museum Field Methods, 3 cr. Basic methodologies used in conducting museum research away from the museum, including collections evaluation, collections acquisition, donor interviews, educational outreach, and development.
ART 501. Museum Conservation Techniques I, 3 cr. (3P) Examines the philosophy of museum conservation of works of art in all media and in all contexts. Includes discussions of the theory of conservation as well as student laboratory projects involving testing and conservation objects. Enrollment limited to 5. First of three consecutive courses. Instructor permission required.
ART 502. Museum Conservation Techniques II, 3 cr. Museum Conservation of art work at the graduate level. Same as ART 402, with differentiated assignments for graduate students. Prerequisites: Permission of instructor and ART 501.
ART 503. Preventive Conservation/Collections Care, 3 cr. Museum conservation of art work at the graduate level. Same as Art 403 with differentiated assignments for graduate students. Permission of instructor required.
ART 510. Advanced Native American Art, 3 cr. Cross-cultural introduction to art of the prehistoric and historic native people of the North.
CREATIVE MEDIA INSTITUTE (These courses are undergraduate level but can be converted to graduate credit with assistance from your advisor.)
CMT 292. Creative Media Studio 3 cr. (2+2P) A studio environment where students specialize in creating film-festival quality and portfolio-ready projects under the supervision of faculty. Prerequisites: CMT 190 and CMT 195 or CMT 160. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits.
CMI 480. Screenwriting II, 3 cr. Students will prepare 30-60 minute screenplays. Script analysis will be in a workshop format. Scripts will be read and discussed, scenes performed and reactions analyzed to consider effect of dialogue, character development, etc. Guest professionals will discuss their experience/expertise. Prerequisites: ENGL 309 or consent of instructor.
ENGL 560. Proposal Writing, 3 cr. Developing proposals and grants in a workshop setting.
ENGL 527. Graduate Study in Film and Digital Media, 3 cr. Offers close study of a form or genre, a major figure or style, an historical period or movement, or a major theme or text. Topics vary from semester to semester. May be repeated under different subtitles.
ENGL 567. Documentary Film Theory and Criticism, 3 cr. Course offers critical survey of documentary film theory and criticism including considerations of the epistemological assumptions, rhetorical choices, aesthetic approaches, political circumstances of historical and contemporary documentary film.
GEOGRAPHY (Undergraduate classes, but may be taken for graduate credit, with the assistance of the instructor.)
GEOG 326. U.S. National Parks, 3 cr. Exploration of origins, landscapes, ecosystems, management issues, and conflicts in U.S. National Parks. The regional geography of the United States as seen through the creation and protection of biologically and culturally significant lands.
GEOG 481. Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems, 4 cr. (3+3P). Fundamentals of computer-based systems which organize, analyze, and present spatially referenced date. Prerequisite: GEOG 281 or GEOG 381.
GOVT 540. Seminar in Public Administration, 3 cr. Survey course on the theory and practice of program, personnel, and financial management in government and the private, nonprofit sector.
GOVT 555. Intergovernmental Relations, 3 cr. Legal, financial, and administrative relationships among national, state, and local governmental units; preparation and administration of federal and state grants; Council of Governments.
GOVT 591. Law for Administrators, 3 cr. Case-law definitions of the legal roles and powers of public administrators. Courses are not offered each semester and are subject to change. Please check current Graduate School catalogue for updates.