Applying to the Graduate Program in History

In addition to fulfilling the basic requirements for admission to the Graduate School, applicants must present undergraduate passage of at least 12 credits in history with grades of B or higher, including 6 upper division history credits. Those lacking this preparation must normally make up deficiencies before beginning graduate coursework.

Students applying for admission to the graduate program in history are required to submit an application form and transcript to the Graduate School, as well as a strong writing sample (preferably historically oriented; not a new essay or article, but one completed in the past), three letters of recommendation ideally from History faculty members at NMSU or other institutions of higher education, and a two-to-three page statement of purpose. GRE scores are not required.

Students should apply approximately four months in advance of the desired enrollment date. Those who would like to apply for graduate assistantships and fellowships should apply by February 15th for the fall semester and by October 15th for the spring semester. Students who are not applying for graduate assistantships or fellowships may apply at any time for acceptance into the graduate program. Candidates who choose a course of study requiring a foreign language will be responsible for their own language preparation. 

All of the components of the application are to be submitted electronically to the Graduate School through the following website:

NMSU Graduate School

For further details, specific requirements, and course offerings, see the Graduate Catalog.

The department will only review complete applications. You can expect to hear back within a few weeks to a month after your complete application has been received.

For any additional information, please contact:

Dr. Mark Cioc-Ortega, Director of Graduate Studies,