Students must complete 36 credits (27 of which must be at the 500 level) that encompasses the following:
A 12-hour core curriculum consisting of:
- Craft of History (Hist 598)
- Public History Seminar (Hist 587),
- a thematic reading seminar (Hist 590, 591, 592, or 593)*
- research seminar (Hist 596).
Additionally, student must complete:
- 9 hours of graduate classes in “traditional” history
- 9 hours of public history electives (this includes up to 6 credits outside of the Department of History, see public history courses (link))
- 6-hour internship and public history article (link to another page)**
- an oral exam, defense of article, and portfolio presentation.***
* Among the thematic reading seminars, Hist 593 (Myth, Memory, and History) is recommended for Public History students, but the other reading seminars are also useful for public history careers. Hist 590 (Borders, Boundaries, and Frontiers) is applicable to the U.S. West, and Hist 592 (Nature and Society) is especially applicable to those pursuing careers in the national parks.
** Please click here for information on the public history article.
*** By the end of the first year, students should have formed a committee. Please click here for those guidelines.